The more I pondered on it, and the more updates I read about what the expansion entailed, however, the more apparent it became that if any game needed an expansion it had to be Labyrinth. It was one of those games that was designed to perfection before release (something that is, sadly, less and less common these days in the board gaming world). When GMT announced an expansion to the game it was met with great anticipation, but a small part of me initially thought: Why? Labyrinth is such a tight game that I felt it needed nothing extra. It was a pretty enlightening exchange, and brought another layer of reality to what is already a very visceral game. I recently spoke with a former serviceman and he said that he had little impetus to play the game because he didn’t like to mix work and pleasure. It’s a pretty unique, and also seemingly polarizing game.
Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001-? by GMT Games is one of my favourite wargames of all time.